Foreign Investors flee NSE amidst political and economic uncertainty

Foreigners in Kenya sold off shares worth Sh1.1 billion last month, according to market data, marking a renewed sell-off from the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE.) So far, Foreign investors are fleeing the Nairobi bourse amid heightened political uncertainty in the country, selling shares worth Sh34.2 billion in three months.…

Kenya to start generating Nuclear Power

Kenya will begin constructing a nuclear power plant in 2027. The plant has been in the pipeline for several years and is part of the country’s ambition to move to clean energy and increase energy generation. South Africa is currently the only African country to produce nuclear energy. Justus…

Ruto Faces uphill task on Finance BIll 2023

The Proposed tax measures by the Kenya Kwanza regime tailored towards raising the revenue to finance its budget continues to draw sharp reactions from across the political divide. During the launch of Defence CS aden Duale”s book “on the record on thusrday night, THE National Assembly Majority Whip Sylvanus…

Maisha TV shines in KUZA Awards 2022

“This award will recognize broadcasters and individuals within the industry who uphold standards of good taste and decency with regard to copyright obligations,” CA Director General, Ezra Chiloba stated.

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Most business owners will agree on one thing — being an entrepreneur ROCKS!

Kenya’s economy Rebased due to Covid-19, expands by SH 515 BILLION

The review of national economic data, commonly known as rebasing bounced 2019 GDP in nominal terms to Sh10.2 trillion up from Sh9.7 trillion.

Avoid living beyond your means-Bushebi Junior

Assets need to make more income that you may not work again for money. You will have income that will last.

What stops you from having what you want-Bushebi Junior

“We must be prepared to live a few years of our lives like others won’t so we can spend the rest of our lives like others can’t” Bushebi Junior

President Uhuru and Suluhu address TANZANIA-Kenya business forum

The leaders reassured the business community of their commitment to the removal of all barriers limiting cross-border trade and investments.